Birding Trail Las Pavas Hotel Campo Verde, Arenal, CR Self guided The Guans 1.3 ENG internet | Page 4

Self-guided Nature Trail Station 2 - Rattlesnake plant Calathea crotalifera This is a plant that reach around 2 meters of height. The cooked leaves are used to pack tipical food and tamales. The flowers have bracts similar to the rattle (set of horny rings that sound when vi- brate) of the Rattlesnake. The flowers are pollinated by melito- philia (bees). The fruits are scat- tered by birds (ornithocoria) such as tanagers, manakins, etc. 4 Self-guided Nature Trail The Guans The Guans Jacamar rabirrufo Rufous-tailed Jacamar Trogón violáceo Gartered Trogon Saltarín gorgiblanco- White-collared manakin Reinita guardaribera Buff-rumped warbler Pava crestada Crested Guan Trogón coliplomizo Slaty-tailed trogon Station 3 - Little Avocado Ocotea sp. Lauraceae This tree can reach 20 m. tall with white and aromatic flowers pollinated by in- sects, especially flies. Its fruits are large with red tones to attract birds, such as toucans, trogons, guans and other large birds. In addition, under the bark, it have fuel oils able to burn. 5