Birding Trail Las Pavas Hotel Campo Verde, Arenal, CR Self guided The Guans 1.3 ENG internet | Page 2

Self-guided Nature Trail We want to invite you to have a walk around our property, through our self-guided trail Las Pavas (The guans). Along one mile, you will be able to enjoy with beautiful birds, plants and mammals. Along the trail you will find some signs with informa- tion about local flora and fauna. Please follow the next reccommendations Do not walk outside the marked trails Use closed shoes Walk quiet and calm to watch the fauna Extraction of flora or fauna is not allowed 2 Self-guided Nature Trail The Guans The Guans Station 1 - Topobea Recepción entrada al sendero Topobea sp. Melastomataceae The topobea es strangler parasitic bush which grows over other trees. Their flowers atracts a lot of po- linators as stingless bees (the far- macists of our forest) and big bee- tles. From this point you will be able to watch the forest edge, with birds as toucans, parakeets and the common tody flycatcher. Espatulilla Perico barbinaranja Common tody flycatcher Orange-chinned para- Tucán pico iris - Keel-billed toucan 3