Birding Trail Las Pavas Hotel Campo Verde, Arenal, CR Self guided The Guans 1.3 ENG internet | Page 14
Self-guided Nature Trail
The Guans The Guans
Sangre de toro
Crimsom-collared tanager
Laughing Falcom
Station 13 Wild nutmeg
Virola koschnyi Myristicaceae
This tree is a pioneer specie in open
areas, but we also find old individu-
als inside the forest. This plant plays
an important role in the diet of many
animals, from sloths and monkeys, to
multiple birds such as tanagers, tou-
cans and parakeets. But it is also the
perfect perch for stalking predators,
such as the Laughing Falcon, who
patiently waits for a snake to become
part of their lunch. The guarumo is
full of azteca ants, so it is better not
to touch
Station 12 Cecropia
Self-guided Nature Trail
Ibis Verde
Green Ibis
Trogón coliplomizo
Slaty-tailed trogon
This tree can reach a height of 30
to 40 m. The fruit is fleshy and is
desired by monkeys and toucans;
when ripe it is golden brown. This
tree is in the same family of nut-
meg and its trunk produces a red-
dish sap used by natives to prevent