Great entertainers
Birds are great entertainers in different ways. Some birds can do verious tricks, like walk a plank (If you teach it that). Birds can do any trick if they want to learn, so don't force your bird to do tricks or it might just get hurt. Also, please let it pick what to do.
Good With Children
These wonderful animals are also good with children (Smaller ones), So you should invest in a bird, because birds barely attack humans, and all bites made by pet birds are harmless because of the shape of their beak and how sharp it is.
Chirp in different volumes and ways
Birds can chirp in different volumes and frequncies to mate. For example, if a male and a female bird of the same species in the same cage, they will make mating calls, but if seperated, will make normal chirps. Its amazing that birds choose to make different sounds for the scenario. Please do not put birds that don't like eachother in the same cage. They might hurt or in rare situations, even kill the other, so just be carful
Diets are basic
A bird's diet consists of almonds, treenuts, bird pellets, small berries, insects (if it is an insect eater), And it is basic to mix together. They will eat mixed berries, mixed treenuts, different insects in some cases, and a mix of these different foods.
BirdAtlas / August 2016 3