face to face
“We plan to tap the niche
3D printed customized
medical implant market
in India”
Melbourne-based and Australian-owned medical device company,
Anatomics has been manufacturing and marketing surgical
products to surgeons since 1996. Anatomics pioneered CT scan
derived surgical implant technology. In an exclusive face to face
interaction with Mr Srinivas Bhylahalli, Vice President, Anatomics,
the BioVoice News tried to know about the company’s innovative
3D printed impant products, its current Asia-Pacific operations
and Indian market plans. Read the excerpts:
Please tell our
readers about the
Anatomics, its
product offerings
devices since its early
days. We are a company of
experienced and dedicated
team members who strive
for better surgical
outcomes by initiating
Anatomics is an Australian internal product
developments and
medical devices company
searching the world for the
founded more than 20
latest innovations in
years ago. It has been a
pioneer in making quality technology to make
BioVoiceNews | November 2017
surgical procedures more
effective for our partners
and more comfortable for
their patients.
The 3D printing in
medical applications was
the company’s first entry
product and as the
company was founded by a
neuro-surgeon, the initial