infections, to 86 percent
for nalidixic acid, which is
used to treat urinary tract
infections. Almost 60
percent of the Escherichia
coli (E. coli) samples
analyzed contained
‘resistance conferring’
genes, that not only render
many antibiotics
ineffective but can also be
easily passed on to other
types of bacteria.
Consumption of such
items could make people
resistant to drugs and
make treatment of
infections with antibiotics
BioVoiceNews | November 2017
AMR Explained in Nutshell
Antibiotic resistance happens when bacteria
change and become resistant to the
antibiotics used to treat the infections they
cause. Over-use and misuse of antibiotics at
various levels increase the development of
resistant bacteria, and this survey points out
some of the practices, gaps in understanding
and misconceptions which contribute to this
WHAT dRiVes THis
Ignorance about the
menace is also an indirect
cause for its spreading. As
per a survey done by the
World Health
Organization (WHO) in 12
countries, almost two
thirds (64 percent) of
some 10 000 people who
were surveyed across 12
countries say they know
antibiotic resistance is an
issue that could affect
them and their families,
but how it affects them
and what they can do to
address it are not well
understood. For example,
64 percent of respondents
believe antibiotics can be
used to treat colds and flu,
despite the fact that
antibiotics have no impact
on viruses. Close to one
third (32 percent) of
people surveyed believe
they should stop taking