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India has 64,829
traditional seed varieties
in Gene Banks
“The government has
been following a policy to
encourage conservation
of the seeds of traditional
varieties of various crops,”
mentioned the Minister
of State for Agriculture
and Farmers Welfare, Mr
Parshottam Rupala in
the Parliament recently.
In India, the National
Bureau of Plant Genetic
Resources (NBPGR) has
conserved over 64,829
traditional varieties in
Gene Banks located in
different states. The
Protection of Plant
Varieties and Farmer’s
Rights Authority (PPV &
FRA) has also registered
1070 traditional varieties
of different crops. PPV
& FRA encourages
the community and
individuals engaged
in conservation,
improvement and
preservation of plant
genetic resources of
BioVoiceNews | May 2017
economic plants and their
wild relatives particularly
in the areas identified
as agro-biodiversity
hotspots by awarding
the community and
individuals who have
played stellar roles
in such activities.
6 crore soil health
cards distributed
so far, says govt
The Government has
introduced Soil Health
Card (SHC) Scheme
with an aim to provide
soil health cards to all
farm holdings across
the country once in a
cycle of two years.
So far against the
target of 14 crore cards
distribution, 6 crore cards
have been distributed
and remaining cards
are under printing. The
Minister said that the
adequate funds have been
released to all States,
funds amounting to Rs
23.89 crore, Rs 96.44
crore and Rs 126.47
crore have been released
during 2014-15, 2015-16
and 2016-17 respectively
under the scheme.
Conservation of
livestock benefits
farmers, trying to
promote it: Govt
“Healthy livestock is
conducive for the welfare
of the farmers. If livestock
are healthy, the income
of the farmers will
increase. It is a result
of the initiative taken
by the Government of
India that country is
enjoying the first rank
in milk production
in the world. Apart
from this country has
acquired third rank in egg
production,” mentioned
the Union Agriculture
& Farmers Welfare
Minister, Mr Radha
Mohan Singh recently
on the inauguration of
International Centre for
Foot & Mouth Disease
(ICFMD) in Arugula,
Jatni, Bhubneswar.
The Minister of
Agriculture has narrated
that for the first time
in the country, a new