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received the marketing license at the same time .
APCEDEN , an autologous monocyte-derived mature Dendritic cell when loaded with tumor antigen have the ability to generate an effective immune response against the tumor .
Indo-Canadian science programme on clean water technology
The Department of Biotechnology and Department of Science and Technology , Ministry of Science and Technology are collaborating with The India-Canada Centre for Innovation Multidisciplinary Partnerships to Accelerate Community Transformation and Sustainability ( IC- IMPACTS ), to promote multidisciplinary research partnerships . Five projects addressing the issue of Clean Water Technologies are being implemented by the Departments at the total cost of Rs 5 crore and 72 lakhs with matched funding from Canada . This information was given by Minister of State for Ministry of Science & Technology , Mr Y S Chowdary mentioned in the Parliament recently .
The technologies that are being developed and envisaged as outcomes include the biosensors for detection of toxins , heavy metal detection and removal , biorecovery from waste water ( waste to wealth ) and survey to identify and explore alternatives in domestic water management .
World ’ s first-ever dengue vaccine gets green signal from WHO
The World Health Organization ( WHO ) has given its nod to the world ’ s first-ever vaccine for dengue fever , a potentially deadly mosquito-borne virus that threatens to infect close to half of the world ’ s population .
Known as Dengvaxia , the vaccine is the product of two decades of research by Frenchbased Sanofi Pasteur . Four countries — Mexico , Brazil , El Salvador and the Philippines — have already licensed Dengvaxia , but the recommendation on April 14 , 2017 , will likely spur a host of other developing nations to follow suit at a time when climate change and urbanization is putting increasing numbers of people at risk from the mosquito-borne disease .
“ In countries where dengue is endemic , it ’ s one of the most feared diseases . The trajectory globally is increasing at this point , it ’ s essentially a pandemic ,” Dr In- Kyu Yoon , director of the Dengue Vaccine Initiative , an international consortium that has partnered with Sanofi , was quoted in the international press .
66 BioVoiceNews | May 2017