Is the test process
simpler than existing
alternatives? How
cost effective is it?
A cancer patient is under
tremendous mental and
physical stress while
undergoing treatment.
There are major or minor
surgical interventions
followed by exposure to
cytotoxic chemotherapy
and radiation inducing
PET scans.
The option of Strand
LB helps in improving
the quality of life of the
patient because of its
simplicity. It is essentially
a simple blood draw
that can be done at a
hospital or at the patient’s
home. As an alternative
to the solid biopsy it
is minimally invasive
and therefore reduces
pain. Strand LB can
be performed multiple
times at regular intervals
for disease monitoring,
which is not possible in
the case of solid biopsy.
The technique also helps
in limiting exposure to
harmful radioactive waves
during currently routine
follow-up PET scans.
On the cost front, liquid
biopsy is cheaper than
solid biopsy/PET scans
done at a private hospital.
Also, since it is a simple
blood draw, there is
no need for hospital
admission, thus reducing
the cost of treatment.
As an
alternative to
the solid biopsy
it is minimally
invasive and
therefore reduces
pain. Strand LB
can be performed
multiple times at
regular intervals
for disease
monitoring, which
is not possible
in the case of
solid biopsy