Innovating tailored
biomedical implant solutions
The Pune based Orthocrafts Innovations has been developing an
indigenous product portfolio of medical implants using bioabsorbable
polymers and their composites
t all began nine years
back when the Pune
based National Chemical
Laboratory (NCL) Chief
Scientist, Dr Ashish Lele
was first introduced to
screws made of polymer called
polylactic acid (PLA) to be used
for repair of torn anterior cruciate
ligament. That instantly attracted
his attention due to unique
properties of the polymer being
absorbable inside the body and
retaining mechanical properties
upto certain time period. He in turn
introduced this product to Dr V
Premnath, also a Chief Scientist at
NCL. The product was promising
and was sufficiently challenging to
stir the enthusiasm amongst both.
Having teamed up before to develop
biocompatible maxillofacial volume
filling implants, both decided to
take up the challenge and initiated
efforts towards development of the
In year 2010, Piyush Joshi,
a polymer engineer from the
University of Pune joined the
team. His expertise helped team to
identify the benchmark properties
of the product to be developed
and economics of the product.
Team soon recognised that what
was going to be important is to
make bioabsorbable polymers with
varied properties. All the efforts
of the team were directed towards
synthesis of appropriate molecular
weight PLA material.
Team participated in Lab2Mkt
program of Venture Center which
helps scientist entrepreneurs to
take their business ideas into
the market. Team raised a small
funding to setup initial experiments
to synthesize the bioabsorbable
polymers and carry out further
market research. With sustained
market research team understood
that this single product soon leads