expert corner
addressing the reliability of
results, and to help ensure the
integrity of the scientific
literature, promote consistency
between laboratories and increase
experimental transparency. These
guidelines are a checklist and
have since then been widely
accepted by researchers and as
many as 2800 publications used
them as of 2014.
Another attempt at
harmonization of techniques is
through the SPIDIA
(Standardization and
improvement of generic preanalytical tools and procedures
for in vitro diagnostics)
Consortium which has partners
from 11 different European
countries. They are addressing the
entire process from experimental
design, sample collection to
processing data and final
publishing of results.
Such guidelines ensure
reproducibility, validity and
transparency of results and are
now being widely adopted by
researchers and influencing
buying patterns. This may prove
to be a restraint to the qPCRdPCR market.
Will dPCR replace qPCR?
PCR technologies are evolving
rapidly through technological
advancements. Some of the
innovative trends in this area are
automation by integrating
microfluidics and robotics with
PCR and the militarization of
systems decreasing its foot print.
The demand for qPCR and dPCR
technologies continues to grow
because of the growing disease
burden and geriatric population
which need molecular diagnostics.
This promotes research in
molecular diagnostics and more
BioVoiceNews | July 2016
and more grants, funds and
investments are made in these
areas. Technological
advancements for improving the
accuracy, precision, sensitivity
The demand for qPCR
and dPCR technologies
continues to grow
because of the growing
disease burden and
geriatric population
which need molecular
diagnostics. The global
qPCR and dPCR market
is expected to reach USD
4.94 billion by 2021 from
USD 3.28 billion in 2016
growing at a CAGR of
8.5% from 2016 to 2021
and specificity are creating more
interest in the techniques leading
to better adoption by research and
industry. Current market data
shows that qPCR technologies
have a larger market share
compared to dPCR. However
dPCR is growing faster. The
global qPCR and dPCR market is
expected to reach USD 4.94
billion by 2021 from USD 3.28