to look at molecular breeding , genome editing , phenotyping , data analytics etc ,” she said . Dr Zehr informed that the Mahyco is working on latest technologies to increase Cotton yield . The company is also showcasing its technologies in African nations . She elaborated in response to a question , “ African farmers have not got the benefit especially Malawi , Nigeria , Zimbabwe . Currently , we are set to work in these nations and are excited to showcase our technologies .” On the current innovations ,
The live chat on Facebook that was held by Mahyco on 12th January , received good response from the various stakeholders . The online participants across various locations in India and abroad asked questions to Dr Usha Zehr .
Dr Zehr mentioned , “ We have been working on GM technologies including nitrogen requirement . The challenges of water availability is a major one . We have devised salt tolerant varieties that the need of this hour .” She further emphasized that it is important to understand how the farmer cultivates the crops . “ The phenotype and soil nature , water quality is important . We are using various techniques to understand soil health . The PM ’ s scheme i . e the Soil Health Card is an innovative way to do that .”