BioVoice News eMag September 2023 | Page 7

E D I T O R ’ S N O T E

Chorus grows for a greener life sciences sector

Sustainability in the life sciences sector is of paramount importance due to its significant impact on human health , the environment , and the global economy . The need to implement sustainability in the industry has gained traction in recent times as the industry contributes a significant amount of waste and greenhouse gases , apart from using huge volumes of water .
Life sciences companies are continually working towards reducing the adverse impact of their operations on the environment . To achieve the formidable goal of net-zero emissions by 2050 , they need to keep exploring , innovating , and implementing new practices in their core processes such as R & D , manufacturing , and supply chain . The convergence of life sciences and new-age technologies such as IoT , image analytics , drones , and 5G is key to building a sustainable planet .
Since this sector encompasses a wide range of activities , including pharmaceuticals , biotechnology , medical devices , and healthcare services , there is also the need to rationalize high energy consumption and supply chain risks . Increased pricing regulations and need for access in low- and middle-income countries is yet another factor that is driving the importance towards building a sustainable ecosystem . Medical device and pharmaceutical companies are looking at ways they can produce their products more efficiently and in a sustainable way ; such as implementing ‘ green ’ IT practices designed to lower costs , improve sustainability , and reduce energy consumption in their data centers , as well as clean rooms and laboratories .
In the current issue we are putting the spotlight on how the functioning of hospitals has undergone a paradigm shift within a decade , signaling a vast transformation of the Indian healthcare sector in offing . The story features comments from the top management of few of the leading hospitals in India . We also bring to you a series of power-packed interviews of leading industry figures who share insights on their respective domains of biotechnology , healthcare and agri-technologies . From cloud based medical technologies to growing tech interventions in agriculture , the topics are wide ranging and there is a lot more to explore . I hope you would enjoy reading the fresh insights thoroughly .
We look forward to your ideas and feedback . Have a great month ahead ! Yours ’ truly
CHIEF EDITOR Write to me at rk @ biovoicenews . com