BioVoice News eMag September 2023 | Page 47

How does Lord ’ s Mark Microbiotech stay at the forefront of innovation ? Can you share some insights into the key projects ?
Remaining at the forefront of innovation in the field of genome testing requires a combination of scientific expertise , technological advancements , strategic planning , and a commitment to staying ahead of the curve . We invest in ongoing research to improve testing accuracy , identify new genetic markers , and develop cuttingedge technologies . This involves collaborating with researchers , geneticists , and bioinformaticians to stay current with the latest discoveries . We stay updated on emerging technologies such as next-generation sequencing ( NGS ), CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing , and single-cell sequencing . We have employed skilled bioinformatics teams to analyze and interpret the vast amounts of genetic data generated . Our advanced algorithms and machine learning can uncover insights that might otherwise be missed .
We intend to develop partnerships with healthcare providers and clinicians to integrate genetic testing into patient care . This could involve tailoring treatment plans based on genetic information . We continuously update and improve the testing services that we offer . We inform or customers and patients about updates through clear communication channels , ensuring they are aware of the latest advancements .
We have cultivated an environment that encourages innovation and risktaking . We foster a culture where employees are empowered to propose new ideas and approaches .
How does Lord ’ s Mark Microbiotech foster collaborations with other organizations , research institutions , or industry partners ?
We plan to partner with universities , research institutions , and pharmaceutical companies to share data and insights . Such collaborations can lead to breakthroughs , advance knowledge , and keep us at the forefront of genomics .
How has the company secured funding and resources for its research and projects ?
Our funding is supported by our inhouse resources and we will continue to invest in research and advancement of technology .
Looking ahead , what are some of the key goals or milestones that Lord ’ s Mark Microbiotech aims to achieve in the next few years ?
We plan to increase our reach to Tier 2 and Tier 3 towns in next 3-5 years through our team , we also intend to reach to 1 lac doctors either through direct or digital connect . We aspire to reach majority of Indians to help them identify their health risk through our preventive genetic test and reduce the financial and emotional burden of chronic illness .
