BioVoice News eMag September 2023 | Page 41

Illumina expands genomics capabilities in India with opening of Solutions Center
IIllumina Inc ., a global leader in DNA sequencing and array-based technologies , has announced the opening of a new office and state-ofthe-art Illumina Solutions Center in Bengaluru , India . Illumina ’ s expansion comes after 16 years of working closely with the company ’ s channel partner in India , Premas Life Sciences . Now with its own permanent facility , Illumina will continue to collaborate with Premas to grow the genomics market in India .
“ Expanding Illumina ’ s presence in India allows the company to collaborate and be part of a vibrant biotech ecosystem with skilled labor , strong research and development resources , and supportive government policies ,” said Gretchen Weightman , Senior Vice President , Asia Pacific , Middle East & Africa . “ In our 25th anniversary year , it ’ s a very exciting time to be growing our physical presence in India to drive access and the further adoption of genomics to transform human health , particularly in oncology and infectious disease .”
GangaGen secures US $ 2.1 million from CARB-X for lead optimizatio


GangaGen has secured the second portion of its phased funding grant from CARB-X ( Combating Antibiotic- Resistant Bacteria Biopharmaceutical Accelerator ), the global partnership led by Boston University aimed at supporting the development of antibacterial products to diagnose , prevent and treat drug-resistant infections . The grant was awarded to GangaGen based on the successful accomplishment of agreed milestones within the previously announced CARB-X collaboration for their “ Klebicin program .”
This program takes a highly innovative approach to address infections caused by multidrug-resistant K . pneumoniae . CARB-X has already committed US $ 2.1 million for GangaGen ’ s lead optimization . GangaGen will be eligible for additional funding to complete lead optimization , proceed through preclinical development , and demonstrate safety in human volunteers , if project milestones are met , subject to the availability of funds .