BioVoice News eMag September 2023 | Page 38


Parliament passes Anusandhan National Research Foundation ( NRF ) Bill , 2023
“ Anusandhan National Research Foundation ” will define the stature of India at 2047 , remarked the Union Minister for Science & Technology , Dr Jitendra Singh as he spoke in Rajya Sabha of the Parliament on 9th August , 2023 . The Minister who was replying on the discussion on Anusandhan National Research Foundation ( NRF ) Bill , 2023 said that the Anusandhan Act will pave the way for India to join the select league of developed nations . The Bill will provide high level strategic direction for research , innovation and entrepreneurship in the fields of natural sciences including mathematical sciences , engineering and technology , environmental and earth sciences , health and agriculture .
The Department of Science and Technology ( DST ) will be the administrative Department of NRF which will be governed by a Governing Board consisting of eminent researchers and professionals across disciplines . The Act will pave the way to establish NRF that will seed , grow and promote Research and Development ( R & D ) and foster a culture of research and innovation throughout India ’ s universities , colleges , research institutions , and R & D laboratories .
CEPI to provide US $ 3.6 million fund for self-amplifying mRNA vaccine technology against Disease X
The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations ( CEPI ) and Pune-based Gennova Biopharmaceuticals announced a new funding agreement to advance the development of their self-amplifying mRNA ( saRNA ) platform to develop vaccine candidates against unknown pathogenic threats , also referred to as Disease X .
CEPI will provide up to $ 3.6 million to support the optimisation of the saRNAplatform technology , the production process , and yield . A vaccine candidate will then be produced against rabies virus , part of the Rhabdoviridae family of
BioVoiceNews | September 2023