BioVoice News eMag September 2023 | Page 35

material were to be sourced , the torrential rains during July , August , September , lack of skilled manpower , aversion of outside contractors due to the socio-political situation , and restrictions due to the raging pandemic all added to our woes . Our team worked 15-16 hours a day in such grueling conditions . That ’ s how we created the first truly digital hospital – where digital OPDs were possible , all critical care beds ( patient monitors , injection syringe pumps , ventilators ), devices and diagnostic equipment were digitally connected so that they could be monitored remotely by fewer staff and potentially be managed and treated with minimal physical contact .
The 200 bed hospital with all the required equipment and infrastructure was ready in 100 days for a record low cost . The building is certified for the highest level of seismic activity . It was made possible by our unwavering belief that we can find an optimal solution to any pressing problem with collective effort , the indomitable spirit and relentless hard work of our team members .
How do you measure the social impact of your offerings and how often ? Would you like to share a few latest details ?
We measure our social impact in terms of outreach as well as outcomes . Outreach in terms of the number of people who have access to affordable healthcare services and number of people we actually serve . This data is recorded every day , but we review it monthly . We take feedback from a sample of patients regularly . As a proxy of outcomes , we look at patient satisfaction and survival rates in our ICUs .
At our current average , we will serve 2.4 million patients annually . As per an independent study , 94 % of our patients are below the poverty line , there is 96 % satisfaction among hospital patients , and almost 100 % among telehealth patients . The mortality rates in our ICUs (~ 10 %) are comparable to the US , far below the national average .
How do you see telehealth shaping Where do you see Glocal Healthcare in the next five years ?
In the next five years , we would like to see ourselves as the largest player in the world in digital delivery of healthcare services to some of the most excluded and poorest people . We want to emerge as the most trusted name in delivery of essential , high end and acute healthcare outside of metros in India .
