BioVoice News eMag September 2023 | Page 32


masses using an assembly line approach – by standardization and productization using cutting edge technology . Just like in the olden days only the rich could afford their portraits painted by gifted artists . But after the advent of the printing press and the camera , the masses could have their portraits . We have done exactly that by coding the entire medical knowledge , humanly impossible for a doctor to remember , into a clinical decision support system , with Machine Learning capability .
With integrated devices and the technology platform , our digital health solution is like healthcare in a box which can help doctors efficiently provide quality healthcare for the majority of cases including areas where they cannot physically reach . The standardization based on evidence based protocol reduces medical errors making healthcare more accountable . We are building state of the art healthcare facilities in areas , where they do not exist at one of the lowest cost and time , which deliver healthcare at one of the lowest costs in the industry . Our Digital Dispensaries take primary care to underserved areas , while our acute care hospitals provide high end secondary and tertiary care in

“ COVID has expedited the acceptance of digital health . Number of households using e- pharmacies has tripled ."

tier 3 cities and the rural catchment around it .
Your views on the growing importance of digital technologies in healthcare ? How is the company leveraging them in terms of product offerings ?
Digital health technology is a gamechanger for the healthcare industry . Digital tools will improve health equity by helping expand access , bridge geographic barriers , and reducing costs . It can improve access and drive down costs dramatically , making it viable to deliver healthcare in remote areas . As a matter of fact , the COVID has expedited the acceptance of digital health . Number of households using e-pharmacies has tripled . During the pandemic , telehealth providers saw upto five fold increase in teleconsultations . Even more encouraging was the fact that 80 % were first time digital health users and 44 % were from smaller cities and rural areas . The transformation has already begun .
While digital health may be a matter of convenience for the middle class urban population , it is the only hope for affordable quality healthcare for rural India . Today 80 % of the doctors live in
BioVoiceNews | September 2023