BioVoice News eMag September 2023 | Page 20

Rajiv Sikka , Group CIO , Medanta , takes us through the smart technology initiatives launched by the leading hospital based in Gurugram

“ Medanta has creatively applied technology to its specific needs ”

By Rahul Koul


What is the motivation behind implementing smart technologies in hospital settings ? Latest trends in this space and impact on operational efficiency ?
Being young and having no legacy , Medanta leadership under CMD , Dr Naresh Trehan , has the advantage of being first movers in adapting many digital technologies . Medanta has creatively applied technology to its specific needs and not for the sake of it . The levers for digitization are one or more of the factors like better clinical outcome , service excellence , operational efficiency and revenue assurance . Yet the focus area for all IT initiatives is around the four abovementioned objectives , but emphasis is always on the patient first approach . For example , we co-created a system to ensure proper allocation of appropriate nurses with the right skills to the right patient at the right time . The solution has resulted in enhanced patient

Rajiv Sikka , Group CIO , Medanta , takes us through the smart technology initiatives launched by the leading hospital based in Gurugram

satisfaction due to improved care experience and better clinical outcome .
How is Medanta implementing various initiatives to integrate smart technologies and its impact on the quality of patient care ?
There are many initiatives which are in different stages of the flight . We aligned with an AI company having rich experience in detecting TB in chest X-ray . Before it was deployed in production , the algorithm was fine-
BioVoiceNews | September 2023