BioVoice News eMag October 2023 | Page 8


C-CAMP partners Govt of Karnataka to strengthen public health system
The Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms or C-CAMP entered into a strategic partnership with the Department of Health and Family Welfare , Government of Karnataka to strengthen the state ’ s public health settings through indigenous and innovative health solutions . The partnership will facilitate identification , implementation and field integration of innovative health technologies in the state for augmenting infrastructure and healthcare delivery across primary to tertiary healthcare centres in urban and rural areas .
Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao , said “ This MoU will be an immediate step in this direction .” C-CAMP has over the years supported close to 300 deep tech innovations in healthcare with focus in areas such as maternal and child health , non-communicable diseases , infectious diseases , antimicrobial resistance , diagnostics , digital health and so on .”
CSIR-IMTECH ’ s Dr Ashwani Kumar gets Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar award 2022 in Biological Sciences
Dr Ashwani Kumar , Senior Principal Scientist , CSIR – Institute of Microbial Technology ( IMTECH ), Chandigarh has been awarded the prestigious Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar award for the year 2022 , in the field of Biological Sciences . This award has been given for his significant contributions in TB pathophysiology , especially the role of biofilm induced infections . The SSB Prize for Science and Technology is a coveted science award in India given annually by the CSIR .
The award is named after the founder Director of CSIR , Dr . Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar and was first constituted in 1958 . Dr . Ashwani Kumar ’ s laboratory works on molecular pathogenesis of Tuberculosis , caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis ( Mtb ). His laboratory has found that Mtb can form biofilms , which are microbial communities , wherein the bacteria can hide away from the drugs and immune system in case of biofilm infection .
BioVoiceNews | October 2023