BioVoice News eMag May & June 2024 | Page 70


Chief Executive Officer Sohan Lal Commodity Management ( SLCM )

The concept of sustainability in agriculture has often been focused around creating a more equitable food system and meeting the food needs of the society . However , sustainability is a concept that needs to be infused in every facet of the agricultural ecosystem , especially the postharvest needs of the farmers and allied stakeholders . We enable one such solution with the help of Agri Reach , the only mobile app accredited by NABL for food grain testing . The AI-powered Agri Reach app is engineered for instant quality check of essential agricultural commodities , such as wheat , rice , maize and barley etc . All that the farmers or procurers need to do is register on the app , click a photograph of the commodity , and obtain an instant detailed QC report . It is a landmark technological development that allows a

Sustainability needs to be infused in every facet of the agricultural ecosystem , especially the post-harvest needs of the farmers and allied stakeholders .

“ sustainable practice by alleviating the hassles to run from pillar to post for QC reports and fostering a fair and transparent pricing mechanism for them .

Towards the extension of Agri Reach App , SLCM Group has laid the foundation of Agri Reach Krishi Quality Janch Kendra , which is a defining step in Agri ecosystem of our country , especially in light of the fact that only a few hundred food grain testing centres have been set up till date across India .
The other area of concern with regard to sustainability in Indian agriculture is safe and secure storage of harvested food grains . For this , SLCM has established Agri Suraksha , ‘ surveillance-enabled warehouses ’ which enables 24x7 GPS fenced centralized monitoring of thousands of procurement centers with solar-powered CCTV cameras .
BioVoiceNews | May / June 2024