BioVoice News eMag May & June 2024 | Page 62


Experts call for continued biotech interventions to harness full potential of GM cotton in India
Cotton experts and scientists have said that a concerted push to Genetically Modified ( GM ) cotton will be vital to ensure a robust textiles value chain and achieving the aspirations of the States . GM Cotton with new traits will remain pivotal to this ambition .
At a brainstorming workshop on ‘ Biotech Interventions in Cotton Improvement : Opportunities and Challenges ’, organised by the ICAR- Central Institute for Cotton Research ( CICR ), Nagpur in association with Biotech Consortium India Limited ( BCIL ), with support from the Federation of Seed Industry of India ( FSII ), on April 04 , 2024 at ICAR- CICR campus in Nagpur , experts said the future of GM cotton in India will be determined by a complex interplay of technological , regulatory , socioeconomic , and environmental factors . Cotton researchers and agricultural experts emphasized the necessity of continued innovation , responsible stewardship , and stakeholder collaboration for harnessing the full potential of modern biotechnologiesgenetic engineering and gene editing .
Agri-supply chain startup Bull AgriTech raises US $ 100k funding
Bull Agritech is an agri-supply chain startup focused on creating India ’ s largest commodity supply chain by leveraging technology and their network of farmers & commodity processors . The company has raised $ 100k funding from leading infrastructure luminaries , led by Akassh Patel and Nilesh Bhalala , Founders of BuilditIndia , and Shashin Patel , MD , SCC Infrastructure ; and
others . The company has raised a total of 1.5 Crore in the last four months as part of the pre-seed round .
Hit Desai , Founder , Bull Agritech , said , “ The funding comes at a time when we are poised for strategic growth . We will be deploying the funds to expand into new regions , double the number of collection centers and broaden commodity portfolio . We will build scalable internal technology for efficient data analysis and onboard top-tier talent to drive operational efficiency and innovation .”
BioVoiceNews | May / June 2024