BioVoice News eMag May & June 2024 | Page 51

Shared Decision-Making : A Paradigm Shift in Patient- Doctor Communication

While challenges such as time constraints and medical misinformation may pose obstacles , healthcare providers must prioritize effective communication strategies

In the evolving domain of healthcare , the traditional model of doctor-patient communication , characterized by a unilateral flow of information from the physician to the patient , is rapidly becoming obsolete . Today , patients are more informed , empowered , and engaged in their healthcare decisions than ever before , thanks to the proliferation of digitalization and access to medical information . Consequently , the once-esteemed notion of a doctor ' s authority dictating all aspects of patient care is fading away . In its place , a more collaborative approach known as shared decisionmaking is taking center stage .
Shared decision-making represents a significant departure from the paternalistic model of healthcare delivery , where the physician assumes the role of the sole decision-maker . Instead , it recognizes patients as active participants in their care , valuing their preferences , values , and unique circumstances . This approach fosters a collaborative partnership between patients and healthcare providers , where decisions are made jointly based on a thorough understanding of the available evidence , the patient ' s preferences , and the clinician ' s expertise .
Despite its numerous benefits , including improved patient satisfaction , enhanced treatment adherence , and better health outcomes , shared decision-making remains an underutilized practice in many healthcare settings . A glaring disparity exists between physicians ' perception of their communication skills and patients ' dissatisfaction with the outcome of consultations . While doctors may believe they are effective communicators , research indicates
