BioVoice News eMag May & June 2024 | Page 27

mplified our gs into classic d so that the ers can find they need .”

Merck technologies used in their drug production from Phase I through to market contribute to safe drug manufacturing . We have simplified our service offerings into classic and advanced so that the manufacturers can find easily what they need . Classic level of testing services covers predetermined range of manufacturing process conditions with defined study parameters while the advanced testing services provide higher level of customization that can include simulation of complex manufacturing processes . All our services rely on our qualified and experienced technical team . We offer Bacterial Retention Study , Chemical Compatibility , Integrity Testing , and Extractables and Leachables , followed by Patient Safety .
How has the landscape of validation services in the life sciences industry evolved in recent years , and what trends do you foresee in the near future ?
Manufacturing technological advancements , increasing complexities in aseptic processing of novel drug
