BioVoice News eMag May & June 2024 | Page 23

Way Forward
The integration of bioscience into election poll agendas represents a watershed moment in our quest for evidence-based policymaking and societal progress .
The COVID-19 pandemic laid bare the critical importance of bioscience in safeguarding public health . From vaccine development to epidemiological modeling , bioscience emerged as our strongest ally in combating the virus . By prioritizing bioscience in election agendas , policymakers can commit to strengthening healthcare systems , bolstering pandemic preparedness , and advancing medical research to confront future health crises with resilience and agility .
A New Delhi based political analyst calls for a paradigm shift in India ' s political discourse . “ We must elevate the issues of healthcare and environment from its current state of obscurity to a position of prominence on the poll agenda . This requires proactive measures to raise public awareness , build consensus among policymakers , allocate resources effectively , and foster collaboration between the government , research
institutions , industry , and civil society organizations .”
Encouraging dialogue and education on the potential benefits of bioscience innovations for addressing national priorities could help integrate bioscience into India ' s political discourse and policy agenda . By including bioscience in election agendas , political candidates signal their commitment to evidence-based decision-making and scientific integrity . In an era marked by misinformation and scientific skepticism , such a commitment is not only laudable but indispensable for fostering public trust , promoting scientific literacy , and building a more resilient society grounded in knowledge and reason .
In an increasingly interconnected world driven by scientific and technological innovation , India ' s competitiveness on the global stage hinges on its ability to leverage bioscience effectively . Without proactive policies to support bioscience research , development , and commercialization , India risks falling behind other nations in the race for scientific supremacy , limiting its economic growth and influence in the global arena .