BioVoice News eMag May & June 2024 | Page 17

healthcare delivery through schemes like e-health and telemedicine . The BJP-led government has shown a growing interest in promoting biotechnology , healthtech , and agritech . Initiatives like the National Biotechnology Development Strategy , National Health Policy , and schemes like the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana ( PMFBY ) demonstrate the government ' s focus on these sectors . The government has promoted the use of technology in agriculture through schemes like e-NAM ( National Agriculture Market ), which aims to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities .
Under the " Make in India " initiative , there ' s an emphasis on boosting domestic manufacturing , including in biotechnology and healthcare . The government has emphasized the importance of research and innovation in driving economic growth and technological advancement . Initiatives like the Atal Innovation Mission ( AIM ) and Start-up India have been launched to promote entrepreneurship and innovation across various sectors , including biotechnology , healthtech , and agritech .
Congress led governments have supported bioscience but party has no comprehensive agenda
The Indian National Congress ( INC ), historically , has shown interest in promoting sectors like biotechnology , healthtech , and agritech , although its specific focus on these areas may vary over time and across different leadership tenures . During its governance periods , the INC has initiated policies and programs to promote biotechnology research , innovation , and commercialization .
The party has supported the establishment of biotechnology parks , research institutions , and centers of excellence to foster collaboration between academia , industry , and government . The INC has historically emphasized the importance of healthcare and has implemented various programs to improve healthcare infrastructure and access to medical services . INC has launched schemes to provide affordable healthcare to marginalized sections of society and promote the adoption of technology in healthcare delivery . The party has advocated for policies to address public health challenges , improve disease surveillance , and strengthen healthcare systems . Agriculture has been a key focus area for the INC , given its significance in India ' s economy and the livelihoods of millions of farmers . The party has supported initiatives to modernize agriculture through the adoption of technology , improved agricultural practices , and better access to inputs and markets .