BioVoice News eMag May & June 2024 | Page 15

Adverse impact of absence of bioscience from the poll agenda
Regulatory and ethical considerations further complicate the matter . Bioscience advancements often tread a fine line between scientific progress and moral dilemmas . Policymakers may shy away from engaging with these complex issues , fearing controversy or backlash from conservative factions .
Why should political parties even consider bioscience ?
The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of bioscience in responding to public health emergencies . The absence of bioscience on the poll agenda may leave India illprepared to address future pandemics or emerging infectious diseases , exacerbating public health vulnerabilities and threatening social stability and economic recovery efforts . Bioscience advancements have the potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery in India , improving access to life-saving treatments and diagnostic tools . However , without policies to prioritize bioscience research and development , healthcare disparities may persist , leaving

Adverse impact of absence of bioscience from the poll agenda

• Stifled Innovation
• Healthcare Disparities
• Agricultural Productivity
• Environmental Degradation
• Global Competitiveness
• Public Health Vulnerabilities
marginalized communities without access to cutting-edge medical interventions .
India ' s agriculture sector faces numerous challenges , including diminishing arable land , water scarcity , and climate change . Bioscience innovations such as genetically modified crops and precision agriculture hold promise for enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability . However , the lack of attention to bioscience on the poll agenda may impede the adoption of these technologies , hindering efforts to ensure food security and livelihoods for millions of farmers .
Bioscience intersects with environmental conservation through initiatives such as bioremediation , biodiversity conservation , and renewable energy development . Failing to prioritize bioscience on the poll agenda may result in missed opportunities to address pressing environmental challenges such as pollution , deforestation , and climate change , exacerbating the degradation of India ' s natural resources and