BioVoice News eMag January-February 2024 | Page 17

Genetic testing is evolving
gained substantial traction in the last decade , particularly in disease diagnosis and therapy due to actionable insights . This shift is attributed to increased awareness and understanding among clinicians and patients on the benefits of genomics in healthcare decision-making .
At present , treatments are tailored to specific mutations , drugs are formulated based on genetic mutations and preventive strategies are rooted in genetic insights . The field of prognosis has expanded , allowing anticipation of disease trajectories . The scope of genomics has expanded beyond its initial boundaries , covering various diseases , including non-communicable ones . The interplay between genetics , lifestyle , and environmental factors influences various diseases , leading to a deeper understanding of genetic underpinnings . While conditions like pure Down syndrome are wholly genetic , others showcase a blend of genetic and external elements .
The past decade saw remarkable progress in scientific discoveries and biological exploration , resulting 100 – 150 new diseases and genes have been added annually to the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man ( OMIM ) database . This constant influx of genetic information significantly contributed to improving diagnosis and treatment methods across various medical fields . The impact of genomics extended beyond genetics alone , influencing how diseases were diagnosed and classified . For instance , the diagnosis of leukaemia shifted from visual analysis to a genetics-based classification , necessitating medical personnel to acquire new skills . The next decade promises even more profound changes , and stakeholders must prepare for this shift .

Genetic testing is evolving

The trajectory of genetic testing is evolving , with a focus on sequencingbased tests . This transition is noteworthy , with expectations of expanding applications to areas like cardiology and nephrology . In terms of access to new innovations in India , two upcoming tests - Liquid Biopsy and SPITSEQ are poised to reshape the genetic testing landscape in India . Liquid Biopsy , a non-invasive technique , offers advantages in critical cases , serving as an alternative or adjunct to tumor biopsy . The SPITSEQ test has the potential to revolutionize TB diagnosis by identifying drugresistant TB within 14 days , facilitating prompt and accurate treatment . It is a critical step towards achieving Government of India ’ s goal of ending TB by 2030 .
The need for collaborative efforts , government support , and industryacademia partnerships is needed . Meeting expectations will benefit not only players like MedGenome but all enterprises in the healthcare sector , fostering innovation , improving patient outcomes , and contributing to the global advancement of healthcare .