BioVoice News eMag August 2023 | Page 7

E D I T O R ’ S N O T E

Industry academia partnership to act as a glue to cement future growth

The collaboration between industry and academia allows the sharing of knowledge , expertise , and resources , which can accelerate the pace of scientific discovery . Industry partners often bring real-world challenges and a focus on practical applications , while academic researchers contribute theoretical insights and fundamental knowledge . Such collaborations also facilitate the transfer of cutting-edge technologies , tools , and methodologies developed in academic settings to industrial applications , leading to development of new products , diagnostics , therapies , and research tools with commercial value . The Indian bioscience industry is full of examples where the collaborations with academia led to many fruitful innovations . Even during Covid-19 pandemic , there were many instances where the government bodies and private industry shared good ideas to accelerate the vaccine development and its distribution .
The key ingredients for maximizing the potential of any Public Private Partnerships are the right regulatory environment , friendly policies , infrastructure and availability of capital . The responsibility of creating a mechanism to facilitate these ingredients for partnerships with realistic targets lies with both private sector as well as government bodies . Hopefully , there we will see a good number of examples in near future where idea that originated in a institute ’ s lab ended up as a product in commercial market .
In the current issue , we are raising the important issue of pending bills related to bioscience sector in the Parliament . Many of these have been repeatedly amended and passed in Lower House but never saw the light of the day due to lack of approval by Upper House . We bring forth the key features of DNA Tech Regulations Bill 2019 and Drugs , Biodiversity Bill 2022 , Medical Devices & Cosmetics Bill 2023 and other bills to see how these would impact the respective segments of the industry .
The current issue is an interview special edition . It features the power-packed interview of Krishna Mohan Puvvada , Vice President , Novozymes who takes us through the latest in his company and the industry . Another highlight is the interview of Dr Radha Rangarajan , Director , CSIR-CDRI , Lucknow who shares her views on bioscience innovation ecosystem in India and her future vision . There is a lot more to explore . I hope you would enjoy reading the fresh insights thoroughly .
We look forward to your ideas and feedback . Have a great month ahead ! Yours ’ truly
CHIEF EDITOR Write to me at rk @ biovoicenews . com