BioVoice News eMag August 2023 | Page 31

innovation with a focus on enhanced collaboration in innovation and R & D projects , global partnerships , and joint ventures among key stakeholders to bridge the gap between academic curriculum and industry requirements . The human resource development to ensure relevant curriculum at higher education level , skilling of various stakeholders , creation of future-ready HR with required skill sets across the innovation value chain .
The bill envisages building competitiveness through fiscal and financial support for stimulating the development of the local manufacturing ecosystem with private sector investments . It calls for awareness creation and brand positioning of India as a hub for
manufacturing of medical devices as part of the “ Make in India , Make for the World ” initiative
Latest Status
The Parliamentary Panel , which looks into the matters related to the ministry of health and family welfare , has emphasized on its recommendations to the Central government to set up a separate legislation , create a new department for the industry under the Ministry and a separate regulatory infrastructure for the medical devices . The recommendation is in line with the industry ' s repeated requests in this direction , especially in the recent days in the wake of the scheduled introduction of the New Drugs , Medical Devices and Cosmetics Bill , 2023 in the current Parliament session .
