BioVoice News eMag August 2023 | Page 29

Policy regulation of DNA laboratories , the Bill seeks to ensure that with the proposed expanded use of this technology in this country , there is also the assurance that the DNA test results are reliable , and furthermore that the data remain protected from misuse or abuse in terms of the privacy rights of our citizens .

Latest Status
The Bill was first passed by Lok Sabha in January 2019 but lapsed and was then reintroduced before being sent to a standing committee . The scientific aspects of the Bill may be handled by setting up a committee in which all stakeholders including the department of biotechnology , Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics , law enforcement agencies and Central investigation agencies shall be represented . Despite the signals that it would table the bill in both houses , in a sudden development , the government withdrew it from the parliament . The change of plans were attributed to the enactment of another law last year , the Criminal Procedure ( Identification ) Act , 2022 , that authorizes police and prison officers to collect biological samples , including DNA , of persons arrested , detained , under trial or convicted in a criminal case .