bio analysis
The NMC Bill 2017attempts to tackle
corruption in medical education and
shortage of medical professionals.
new policy that the
government is
planning to introduce.”
Dr Nagar feels that
before any new
structure is introduced,
Earlier, the Indian
Many believe that the
the transparency and
Medical Association
decision was taken in
flow should be
(IMA) has termed the
the haste. As per Dr
maintained. “We also
approval to NMC Bill,
Dharminder Nagar,
sincerely hope that
2017 by the Union
Managing Director,
each decision fights
Cabinet as a blow to
Paras Healthcare,
red-tapism and
the medical profession "While we recognize
bureaucracy and is
that will cripple the
the role of the
based on fast tacking
democratic functioning government and its
the aspects for
the medical profession concern for the
by making it
healthcare industry.
Corporate Hospitals
completely answerable There is a huge
have been helpful in
to the bureaucracy.
manpower gap and we
establishing India as a
According to Mr K.K.
appreciate that the
preferred healthcare
Aggarwal, former
same has been
destination for
president of the IMA,
recognized and some
international patients.
“As such these are the
steps are being taken to
We hope that future
flood gates that have
bridge the same. The
legislation shall help
been opened up in
Medical Council of
support the industry
terms of the statutory
India (MCI) has been
further,” he added.
provisions for
working for numerous
backdoor entry into
decades, their inputs in
medical profession
the same are worthy
IN thE BIll
entitling practicing
and should be
There are some
modern medicine.”
incorporated in any
BioVoiceNews | Dec 2017 - Jan 2018