BioVoice News December 2017-January 2018 Issue 7 Volume 2 | Page 15

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DBT has established Biotechnology Labs at 88 Senior Secondary Schools from NER under BLiSS programme. An amount of Rs 2.20 crores has been spent to create laboratory infrastructure at senior secondary school level. to be operational by 2018. phYtO-phARmA plANt mISSION ANNOUNCEd DBT has announced a (Rs 50 crore) mission aiming at conservation and cultivation of endangered and threatened endemic medicinal plants of North East India and discovery of new botanical drugs for unmet medical needs using the rich traditional ethno- botanical knowledge cover story entire ecosystem of the river and surroundings. This lab will link all the local research institutions as well as national and international laboratories along the Brahmaputra. B4 will have capability to analyse soil, water, and biodiversity of environment, plant and these states. This animal life, human mission would also health and agriculture help to improve the and an equal availability of authentic component that and quality botanical involves local citizens raw material on in the experimental sustainable basis for a process of science in boom in the phyto- data generation and pharmaceutical management. B4 will industry. also have a teaching laboratory for BRAhmApUtRA school/college BIOdIVERSItY ANd children. It is also BIOlOgY BOAt (B4) proposed to have A well-equipped mobile satellite boat laboratory that labs, which will run contains facilities for along the tributaries of analysis of all Brahmaputra to feed in components of the 15