n a bid to
create a
tical industry
that addresses the
country’s major
concerns around
barriers to affordable
healthcare, Dr Harsh
Vardhan, Union
Minister of Science and
Technology, launched
the Innovate in India
(I3) program on 30th
June 2017, in New
Delhi. The programme
of Department of
Biotechnology (DBT),
with a funding to the
tune of US$ 250
million, is a first of its
kind mission that
brings together
industry and academia
to promote
entrepreneurship and
manufacturing in the
cover story
people translating into
benefits for them. The
Department has also
scored high in
innovations, start-ups
and entrepreneurs, and
in collaborating to pool
international expertise
to escalate science
The year 2017 has been
marked by path
breaking research and The International
Centre for Genetic
technology in myriad
Engineering and
of areas for the DBT.
Biotechnology (ICGEB)
The key areas span
is collaborating with
across healthcare,
the drug major Sun
agriculture, food and
Pharma to use the
nutrition, bio energy,
recombinant EDIII-
and environment,
based sub-unit dengue
which have reached
vaccine candidate, to
sector. This flagship
program of the
Government of India,
in collaboration with
the World Bank, will be
implemented by the
Biotechnology Industry
Research Assistance
Council (BIRAC).
The year 2017 has been marked by path
breaking research and cutting-edge
technology in myriad of areas for the DBT.
The key areas span across healthcare,
agriculture, food and nutrition, bio energy,
and environment, which have reached
people translating into benefits for them.