BioVoice News December 2016-January 2017 Issue 8 Volume 1 | Page 17

2016 ’ s most discussed diseases amongst doctors

With healthcare becoming one of India ’ s largest sector in 2016 , Curofy – India ’ s largest community of verified doctors , lying in the subset of healthcare IT , conducted a research to find out the most discussed diseases digitally by doctors this year

Over the year , doctors on Curofy have discussed over 80,000 cases around spectrum of diseases . Curofy lists down the diseases discussed by the doctors in 2016 .

Dengue was a major health concern this year . With the onset of hot and humid conditions across the country , discussions around infectious diseases namely- dengue ( Rank 3 ) and malaria ( Rank 8 ) increased rapidly during the months May-September 2016 . In the segment of infectious diseases caused by mosquito bite , the screening played a pivotal role in the management of patients with dengue or malaria .
Primarily , the therapeutic area- Dermatology managed to garner maximum attention amongst HCPs , majorly around diseases ; herpes zoster ( Rank 1 ), tinea corporis ( Rank 2 ), psoriasis ( Rank 6 ), to name a few . In addition to it , relevant screening and treatment options were discussed to accurately manage the patients with dermatological disorders , which included blood profiling , biopsy and fluconazole , itraconazole , ketoconazole , azithromycin , respectively .
Being the diabetic capital of the world , a consistent pattern was observed in the discussion around one of the major metabolic disorder- Type 2 diabetes mellitus ( Rank 4 ), which became the forth most talked about disease amongst HCPs from varied specialties .
With the rise in pollution to harmful it was no surprise that chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD-Rank 5 ) was the only respiratory disorder , which managed to become one of top discussed disease amongst HCPs , majorly from specialties- Pulmonology , General Practice and Internal Medicine . Parallel to COPD and Psoriasis , the highly informative conversations around the diagnosis and treatment of cancer ( Rank 7 ), either surgically or therapeutically , assisted in making malignancy to the list of top discussed diseases as well .
Lastly , cardiomegaly ( Rank 9 ) and hypertension ( Rank 10 ) were equally discussed by HCPs over the year . The patients with cardiovascular diseases were often presented with comorbidities that led to comprehensive discussions around the management and treatment options for the same diseases , majorly by cardiologists .