has been set-up , supporting nearly 300 companies and 100 young entrepreneurs for innovation , research and product development . Further , the Biotechnology Translational research and industry academia partnership has promoted through 3 Biotech clusters , 8 Biotech Parks and 13 Bioincubators . Also , 25 Centers of Excellences have been created as a flexible model of longterm support for highly innovative , basic and translational research to create high quality state-of-the-art facilities for R & D . In addition over 60 programme support is being implemented to various outstanding research activities across the country .
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council
• The biotech startup scenario in
India was transformed by one of BIRAC ’ s flagship scheme called BIG ( Biotechnology Ignition Grant ). BIG has supported 195 entrepreneurial ideas . 22 new startups were created ( in 18 months ) and the total number of employment generated is 231 .
• Providing access to high end infrastructural requirement to the biotech community in India . BIRAC through its bioincubation scheme ( Bionest ) has supported 15 bioincubation centres across the nation and has created 175,000sq . ft of incubation space . Within these incubators , around 199 biotech startups are being provided support . In each of the bioincubator , BIRAC has supported a common pool of high end instrumentation that is being used by incubate and other SMEs for R & D .
• 50 New Products , 30 early stage technologies and 125 IP generated .
• 350 Start-Ups , SME , and Entrepreneurs Supported .
• BIRAC Ace Fund – An Equity Fund for Accelerating Entrepreneurs was announced by Hon ’ ble Minister of Science & Technology and Earth Sciences during BIRAC Foundation Function .
Strategic S & T partnership with UK : During the visit of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to India for India-U . K Tech Summit held at New Delhi from November 7th-9th , 2016 ; A Joint Statement was issued ( India-UK Strategic Partnership looking forward to a renewed engagement : Vision for the decade ahead ). The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and India commended ongoing collaboration in biotechnology and made the following announcement for the Department of Biotechnology :
• Joint Strategic Group on Anti- Microbial Resistance ( AMR ) with joint investment of up to £ 13 million ( with all research councils , UK and M / o S & T ( DBT and DST ), ICMR , ICAR , MoEF , PHFI from India led by DBT .
• Joint research programme for innovative biotechnologies for cleaning and processing industrial waste with joint investment of £ 16 million .
• Joint projects to address postharvest losses benefiting farmers for £ 10 million ( this was approved and the projects were announced ).
• The two sides announced the launch of the second phase of joint research in women ’ s and children ’ s health in low-income settings for £ 12.6million .
• The two sides looked forward to engaging on India ’ s efforts to develop a Bio-bank that will draw on UK Bio-Bank ’ s scientific expertise .
India is a Partner country for the ' Mission Innovation ' ( MI ) which is an effort of 23 participating countries towards accelerating global clean energy innovation . This was launched on 30thNovember , 2015 during COP- 21 in the presence of the Prime Minister . The Department of Biotechnology is the nodal agency for spearheading the mission ' s objectives innIndia . A delegation led by Dr Harsh Vardhan participated in the first ministerial meeting in San Francisco in June , 2016 . The country ’ s R & D investment doubling plan was presented . Seven Innovation Challenges were announced during the COP-22 in Marrakech in November , 2016 .