cover story
clear about the Biocon being their
first choice followed by 8.8 percent
for Syngenta. Rest of them were
fragmented into Bharat Biotech,
Quintiles, Serum Institute etc. The
clear tilt towards industry among
the young blood was visible as
less than 3 percent opted for PhD.
Might be because a choice was
offered in the first place.
Entrepreneurship gets a big
thumbs up
The 47.3 percent of the survey
participants said they want to be
entrepreneurs. The 38.5 percent
said that they would certainly prefer
entrepreneurship if they get the
right environment and chance. 8.8
percent were undecided. On being
asked about the Biotechnology
Industry Research Assistance
Council (BIRAC) and its University
Cluster Programme, 50.5 percent
replied in negative. 34. 1 percent
had only heard about BIRAC and
12.1 percent had heard about the
University Cluster but not the
BIRAC in detail
On the question of Make in
India, the students are with the
government. Whopping 41.8
percent feel that the make in India
will cater to indigenous needs. 48.4
BioVoiceNews | August 2017
percent feel that both imported as
well as make in India products are
One thing is very clear from
the survey. The students seek
encouragement and clear roadmap
for a better education system
where the thrust is more on
communication and industry
oriented programmes. Let us take
you through the outcome.
The perception matters!
Target Segment: Indian
biotech students
Survey Sample Size: 1057
Gender: 628 Males and 429
Location: Global
Number of Questions: 19
Average time taken: 10