cover story
with the biotechnology education
system in India, 37.4 percent
replied in negative while 31.9
percent are positive about it. 24. 2
percent consider it as bad and 6.5
percent thought it is worse. training? The 41.8 percent said they
had all the necessary equipment
in the lab. 34.1 percent pointed to
presence of only few instruments
whereas 20.9 percent said it was
just the basic infrastructure.
To the question on whether a
drastic change is required in the
biotech curriculum, 57.1 percent
think that few improvements are
required whereas 34.1 percent are
of the view that drastic change is
needed. 8.8 percent don’t feel any
change is required at all. Career options: A tough cookie to
The next question that was asked
to the students was whether they
were aware about the Biotech
Consortia India Limited and the
fresh consultations by it over new
syllabus. The 59.3 percent of the
students said they haven’t heard
about it at all. 36.3 percent were
aware but didn’t participate in the
exercise. The 63.7 percent feel that
the biotechnology be introduced as
separate subject at school level. 22
percent say that would be too early
and 11 percent don’t feel there is
any need to do so.
Among the other basic questions
was whether the practical
laboratory was well equipped to
provide the students with hands on
BioVoiceNews | August 2017
On the question of enough
availability of career options for
an average biotech student in
India, 67 percent feel that there are
not many, 14.3 percent feel that
various barriers act as hindrance,
13.2 percent feel there are plenty
of them. The 45 percent hadn’t
attended any campus recruitment
by companies, 38.5 percent said
they never got a chance at all. 11
percent chose only once as the
When asked about the biotech
industry in India, 49.5 percent
said they were aware while rest
of 45.1 percent were aware to the
some extent. Among the various
names, Dr Kiran Mazumdar Shaw
emerged as the favourite icon
with 65.9 percent students voting
for her. The students were very
clear when asked which company
they would prefer among few top
choices. Whopping 67 percent were