face to face
While I agree with the
philosophy and intentions
behind the statement,
I feel we require more
differentiation in terms
of how funding comes.
The way academics
work is different from
industry. Their approach
to problem solving varies.
So, have to remember that
BIRAC fills one big area of
hand-holding and helping
kick start. But again, the
BioVoiceNews | April 2017
seed funding is missing.
Let’s suppose a child is
there. We will provide
food for 8 years but can he
or she sustain after that.
No, we have to take care
till 18 so that person can
fend for himself. While
support upto 8 is fine,
what will happen till 18.
That thought is missing. entrepreneur. Therefore,
we need prudent
investment to help scale
up. That can come from
government or via public
private partnerships. The
2nd and 3rd round of
funding is important and
that is where the valley of
death is. Everybody dies if
there is no support.
The first 2-3 crore
are crucial for an We perhaps don’t require
more BIRACs but what we