About : Veterinary Science
Veterinary Science is the branch of science that deals with the prevention , diagnosis and treatment of disease , disorder and injury in animals . Websites from university can help get an idea of what is veterinary science like and might also include ATAR cut-offs :
• http :// www . vet . unimelb . edu . au /
• http :// www . murdoch . edu . au / Courses / Veterinary-Science /
• http :// www . uq . edu . au / vetschool /
• http :// www . adelaide . edu . au / vetsci /
• http :// www . csu . edu . au / courses / undergraduate / veterinary _ science / course-overview
About : Animal Science
Animal Science is described as " studying the biology of animals that are under the control of mankind ". Historically , the animals studied were farm animals , including livestock and horses , but courses available now look at a far broader area to include companion animals , for example dogs , cats and exotic species . Websites from university can help get an idea of what is animal science like and might also include ATAR cut-offs :
• http :// www . qaafi . uq . edu . au / cas
• http :// sydney . edu . au / courses / Master-of-Animal-Science
• http :// www . une . edu . au / courses / courses / BANSC
• http :// future . uws . edu . au / future _ students _ home / ug / environment _ and _ tourism / animalscience
• http :// www . land-environment . unimelb . edu . au / future-students / grad / animal-science . html
• http :// www . adelaide . edu . au / degree-finder / bsc _ bscas . html
• http :// www . csu . edu . au / courses / undergraduate / animal _ science / course-overview
• http :// www . murdoch . edu . au / Courses / Animal-Science /