Biomet 3i Brochures Osseotite Implant reference List | Seite 7

Osseotite Implant Reference List | 7 |
PMID Publication Authors Journal Citation Title
16274318 Ibañez JC , Tahhan MJ , Zamar JA , Menendez AB , Juaneda AM , Zamar NJ , Monqaut JL .
15842263 Schropp L , Kostopoulos L , Wenzel A , Isidor F .
16392348 Sullivan D , Vincenzi G , Feldman S .
J Periodontol 2005 ; 76:1972-1981 .
J Clin Periodontol 2005 ; 32:480-487 .
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2005 ; 20:905- 912 .
Drago CJ , Del Castillo RA .
Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2006 ; 26:337-345 .
Drago CJ , Lazzara RJ # .
J Prosthodont
2006 ; 15:187-194 .
Drago CJ , O ’ Connor CG .
Compend Contin Educ
Dent 2006 ; 27:266-71 .
17929526 Capelli M , Zuffetti F , Del Fabbro M , Testori T .
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2007 ; 22:639- 644 .
Immediate occlusal loading of double acid-etched surface titanium implants in 41 consecutive full-arch cases in the mandible and maxilla : 6- to 74-month results .
Clinical and radiographic performance of delayed-immediate single-tooth implant placement associated with peri-implant bone defects . A 2-year prospective , controlled , randomized follow-up report . †
Early loading of Osseotite implants after placement in the maxilla and mandible : a five-year report . ‡
A retrospective analysis of Osseotite NT implants in clinical practice : 1-year follow-up . †
Immediate occlusal loading of Osseotite implants in mandibular edentulous patients : a prospective observational report with 18-month data . †
A clinical report on the 18-month cumulative survival rates of implants and implant prostheses with an internal connection implant system .
Immediate rehabilitation of the completely edentulous jaw with fixed prostheses supported by either upright or tilted implants : a multicenter clinical study .
Study Design
Prospective , multicenter
Prospective , Randomizedcontrolled
Prospective , multicenter
Patients ( N )
Study Implant ( N )
41 Osseotite 343
43 Osseotite 43
195 Osseotite 526
Osseotite Tapered 309
Certain ®
Prospective multicenter
65 Osseotite Tapered 342
% CSRs By Variables
6 years
99.4 IOL
2 years 91.0 IL 96.0 Delayed
5 years 97.9 Early
1 year 97.4 Early
1.5 years 98.0 IOL
1.5 years 100
40 months 97.6 IL
Key : PMID : PubMed identification number , N = total number ; % CSR = cumulative survival rate percentage ; w / PSw = with platform switching ( Prevail Implants ); IL = Immediate loading ; IOL = Immediate occlusal loading ; IRES = Immediate replacement of extraction socket ; AUG = Augmented ( grafted ).