Biology September 2013 | Page 2

Ethology September 2013

Behaviour in Babies

Babies are born with many innate reflexes and behaviours. From crying to grasping- it is fascinating just how much knowledge babies already know.

The male bower birds is wel-known for his grand 'bowers' (nest-like structures) which are vibrantly adorned with treasures. What is this behaviour useful for? Why does the bower bird spend so long on this task?

Bower Bird, Grand Home builder

The Language of Prairie Dogs

They communicate with little barks and yips- yet it seems that each sound conveys a lot more than just one word. It seems that every noise is so specific thatit can contain enough information of a few human sentences.

When faced with harsh cold conditions, penguins huddle together to retain body heat. Those on the outside are the coldest, and thus each penguin is for himself when trying to push themselves into the pack's centre. New research suggests this selfish act may be more fair than we realise.

Penguins Share Heat fairly

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