An in-depth review of metagenomic studies and the application of phages , addressing a variety of difficult issues within both horticulture and agriculture industries , highlights the remarkable similarities in the results achieved by our BioCat + OSAA H technology .
These unique benefits of Biocat + OSAA H include - the avoidance of antimicrobials , enhanced growth performance , increased yields and crop quality , extended shelf life whilst reducing pesticide usage . In simple terms , better healthier plants , with more profits !
With bio-stimulants forging the future for the Horticultural industry , the revelation that we have a technology capable of capturing and cultivating phages from ecological niches , not only bacteriophages , but archaeaphages , mycophages , and even virophages . Biocat + OSAA H is the obvious and safe choice to grow your business moving forward .
We have coined the term for our technology ‘ Ecological Phage Transfer ,’ in that Biocat + OSAA H naturally enhances the transfer of diverse phage resources between biosystems .
Biocat + OSAA H effortlessly produces results in diverse phage , and that it is the phages ( inter alia with other biological molecular products ) that
enable the beneficial effects observed .