BIO 204 RANK Extraordinary Success / BIO 204 RANK Extraordinary Success / | Page 8
You should have a minimum of 3 references for this assignment.
Direct Quotes are limited to 2 small quotes (less than 40 words).
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Include all references
and in-text citations – all should be formatted in APA style. Include an in-
text citation for each paragraph (i.e. all paraphrased information must be
cited, not just direct quotes), and include a references section.
Assignments with either of these missing will be considered plagiarism
and will not be graded.
BIO 204 Week 3 Assignment Process of Light Reaction and the
Calvin Cycle in Photosynthesis
No more than 6 bullet points per slide
No more than 10 words on each bullet point
All explanation should be in the slide notes – all slide notes must be
Maximum word count for slide notes = 250 words per slide
Must have an Introduction slide and a conclusion slide
All images must have an in-text citation underneath them and their full
reference should go in the references slide(s)
Include the following points and principles in your presentation:
Remember, most information should be present in the slide notes – keep
bullets simple.
Present anatomical features and organelles needed to carry out
photosynthesis (guard cells, stomata, parenchyma cells, inner and out
membrane of the chloroplast, stroma, grana, and thylakoid).
Provide a diagram (include an APA formatted in-text citation) that
explains the major steps in the light reactions of photosynthesis. What
are some ingredients and products of the light reactions of
photosynthesis? Describe how these reactions take place, step-by-step.
Present two diagrams (include APA formatted in-text citations) showing
the cyclic and noncyclic path traveled by an electron during the electron
transport chain. What does each chain accomplish?