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Thank You to all our FS parents for Getting Involved in Parents As Partners Week (19th -23rd May 2014) Every child’s learning journey begins at home and parents are children’s first and enduring educators. Our educational philosophy is based upon the premise that every parent is a part of our team and that an effectiveHome-School Partnership is integral to a child’s journey of excellence in learning and development. It is with this strong belief that we have once again opened the doors of our Foundation Stage settings to welcome parents as partnersofour students’ learning experiences at PPS. We are exrtremely thankful forthe overwhelming response during our Parents As Partners (PAP) Week in our Foundation Stage settings from 19th – 23rdMay 2014. It was encouraging to note that 70% of our parents signed in for the sessions and witnessed how effective learning happens in our settings. From the daily morning routine of free flow to the students working objectively on a variety of skill-based activities,parents could see the children purposefully engaged with self- regulating, independent hands-on learning. The feedback comments by the parents were highly encouraging, validating that the excellent practices in our settings provided opportunities for excellence in learning. It gives us renewed confidence in accelerating our strategies to keep stretching the boundaries of children’s understanding, and building children’s self-esteem and dispositions to learn. 2