A William Pierre tie is full of diversity because it is handmade.
The production team takes into consideration who will wear
each tie and for what occasion. But what makes these ties stand
out is that they are made for both men and women. Orlando
says, “For us, styling a bow tie for a woman or man has no limited
technique or format; there isn’t a specific way to style a bow tie
for a lady.”
Seeking to make it a lifestyle brand he continued to share
that the public has been very receptive and intrigued by the
pieces. Carrying a variety of pieces from minimalistic to show
stopper, the ties not only relate to personality types, but they
also match various fashion seasons. They can even be a style
feature for a gown Williams said, with an eager look on his face
as if this is a feature to look forward to in the near future.
How to tie a bow tie:
Face a mirror
Let one side be longer than the other
Wrap the tie around your neck
Tie it tight – but don’t choke yourself
Find the shorter side that looks like a fish
Flip it over and find the hole
Push it through
Then pull each side and shape your tie to suit
The trick you should always remember when tying your bow
tie is, the tie is never to be perfect, never too clean or too straight.
It gives the tie more individuality and diversity, making it easy for
your personality and style to shine through.
Jalisia Boxill