Bimonthly Magazine December-January Issue December JAnuary İssue | Page 9

PARTNERS Here in the first picture you see our friends from Crotia , the school Os Cazma and they are listening to their teachers very carefully. They are in an informative meeting about safer internet. Since we are carring out our project here all online it is really important that we all use the internet safely. We also did many activities about Safe Internet Day and you will see them in our next Bimonthly magazine. Keep following us ;) In the last two photos , they are our Turkish partners from Eskipazar Imam Hatip, Ordu. Since one of our topic is Music, they visited a consertavory and listened to both Turkish and foreign masterpieces performed by university students. The fourth photo is their bimonthly magazines. We are really looking forward to seeing it :) YOU CAN SEE ALL THİS ACTİVİTİES AND PHOTOS OF WHAT WE DİD AND DOİNG ,PLEASE VİSİT OUR ETWİNNİNG PORTAL. THE LİNK TO THE PORTAL İS : images 9 I BIMONTHLY  MAGAZİNE