Bimonthly Magazine December-January Issue December JAnuary İssue | Page 3
Hello again with our second issue!
Nothing is more fun than learning new things with new people all the time, right?
In the previous issue we had great fun preparing the magazine with the eTwinning
club and learned a lot!
This is our second issue and we are getting better and better day by day.
In this December and January issue our topics are Celebrations, Traditions and Music.
We tried to prepare the content thinking local and at the same time considering the
eTwinning projects agreed topics with other partners from Istanbul , Ordu, Adana,
Slovenia, Coratia etc.
For those of you who will take a look at these magazines, I hope you enjoy them and
learn as much as possible from what we did.
So ,now its time to sneak into it and get smarter ;)
Teacher of English as a
Foreign Language and Project Coordinator