Bimonthly Magazine December-January Issue December JAnuary İssue | Page 17

The work of Mozart is epic in scope and proportion. There were few branches of music Mozart did not touch. He composed operas, symphonies, concertos, and solo pieces for the piano. His work spanned from joyful light- hearted pieces to powerful, challenging compositions which touched the emotions. At the beginning of his career, Mozart had a powerful ability to learn and remember from the music he heard from others. He was able to incorporate the style and music of people such as Haydn and J.S. Bach. As he matured, he developed his very own style and interpretations. In turn, the music of Mozart Some of his greatest works are religious in very much influenced the nature such as Ave Verum Corpus and the early Beethoven.Mozart was brought up a final Requiem. Roman Catholic and remained a member of the In the last year of his life, he composed the church throughout his life. opera The Magic Flute, the final piano concerto (K. 595 in B-flat), the Clarinet Concerto K. 622, a string quintet (K. 614 in E-flat), the famous motet Ave verum “I PAY NO ATTENTION TO WHATEVER ANYBODY’S PRAISE OR BLAME. I SIMPLY FOLLOW MY OWN FEELİNGS.” corpus K. 618, and the unfinished Requiem K. 626. -MOZART- 17 I BIMONTHLY  MAGAZİNE