And then I will be happy !
Many a times we say or we think I will be happy if I get this or get that, I will be happy if I
will achieve this goal, I will be happy if I get promotions, I will be happy if this deal
happens.. but you know happiness never comes even if you achieve your set goals.
A very famous buddhist quote which says "There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the
It's very important that what stories we tell ourselves.. because our brain works differently
and we are constantly finding an excuse for whatever is happening in our lives, we always
blame it on to others or destiny or some situation for our dissatisfactions or failures. And
this is the reason we never work towards the contentment what we can get. Once we
achieve something our mind sets another set of goals and the stories related to happiness
which you had told to yourself will get reset to next goal, and life goes on like that but if you
analyse where is the happiness? The answer is 'nowhere' !! Because we have never
thought about happiness consciously, its only an illusion of happiness which we have
created in our mind that if we will achieve something we will get happiness, and that's why
majority of us lives like a robot in our life span, and when you think you have achieved
everything in life and now you can find happiness but then your health is not supporting
you, or you have become too old for somethings which is not possible physically now but it
could have been possible when you were young.
In fact nobody ever thinks about the satisfactions which we can get from small small things.
It is true that in this competitive world it is necessary to work towards your material goals
but we never asks ourselves that what really we want? And what we are here for?
Our average life span is about 80 years, and in these life span time what really we do, lets
see that.
0 ------ 10 ------- 20 ------- 30 ------- 40 -------- 50 -------- 60 -------- 70 -------- 80
Till the age of 20 we spend our time for studying, and from 20 to 65 our life is spend on
work and earning money, and after retirement we spend our most of the time in hospitals or
with with some other old aged friends remembering our work days. But can you remember
how many days you were actually happy in your working days? The answer is very few,
may be 30 to 50 days and that too if your memory is good or you were actually very happy.
So in the span of 50 years of working, only 50 days made you happy ! So what happened in other 18,250 days.
Let me tell you what happened in those 18,250 days of working. After you finished studying, you told yourself that "I will be happy, if I get
the job," you got the job but instead of getting happy, you were grinded in the work pressure. "I will be happy, if I get promotion," but you
never got happy, even if you got promotion. Here I am talking about the 90 % of human population who lives like a goat. If you go
through from break up, you will think " I will be happy if I will fall in love again".
I really don't understand this illusionary stories which we tell our mind. I think if one can see happiness in every situation then believe me
life is beautiful. Doesn't matter you get less paid job than your friends, doesn't matter if you are not getting promotions, doesn't matter if
you are going through a break up, doesn't matter you are failing in something constantly.. But what matters the most is how you perceive
it. and how you see yourself after failing many times.. We get sad not because we are not getting success, but what others will think
about us that makes us sad.
Remember one thing, those who are judging you, they themselves don't know what they are doing in their lives. And the person who is
very happy will never judge anyone. So stop wasting your time and life thinking about what other people thinks, but concentrate on what
you think about yourself.. "Don't count your days but make every day count."
Instead of saying that "I will be happy if I get the job," say that "I am happy because I am searching for job,"
"I am happy because I am working towards promotions"
"I am happy because I am looking for another relationship." If you train your mind like this then you will never get disappointed or
frustrated in troubles or failures. Think about, you have everything but you are not happy because of many factors.. Where as you have
not many things but you are happy and satisfied. Which life is better? It's not about how talented and smart you are.. but about how
happy you are. Doesn't matter what you do, you fail or succeed, the important thing is to be happy in every steps of your life.